Carla Vaughan finds stories in the mundane. As a photographer, she exposes the overlooked scenarios of everyday life; capturing quiet, meaningful moments. Carla has photographing commercially for 12 years, shooting portraits, landscapes and events.

In her artwork, there is no original story or history. The story is created or imposed from captured images of exact moments; figures alone in the snow, and alone in the city. Carla prefers to shoot in black & white; like a hunter, she knows specifically what she is looking for, and waits for the moment to come.

Her work has expanded to include images of the place she calls home, Philadelphia. No other structure says "Philadelphia" as much as City Hall, and the historic building is featured in many of her Philadelphia images.

Carla Vaughan’s work has been exhibited at the Perelman Center of Advanced Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine at Cherry Hill, The Sketch Club, FMC Building, CFEVA and at Thomas Jefferson University.

 All images are available for purchase, and the artist can be reached directly through the Contact page.